This does work with a midi controller, but does not work with a sustain pedal.
I had a DX100 years ago with four operators, and had a lot of fun programming it.
This is a great start, but the keyboard could use some improvement, like the ability to make the keys bigger, and also a mono mode for the lead presets. Add that, and a midi event editor, and I will give it five stars.
As a final note, there should be an option to toggle the slide function on the keyboard as it makes it next to impossible to do ascending glissando rolls.
I would also like to point out that this is a limited version that does not include poly/ mono switch, no pitch bend range, no portamento, no speed control for the LFO filter wave forms, which are also incomplete, as there is no sample & hold or sample & hold x8. Although there is a white noise filter. This is not a true DX7 emulation, or it would have 6 operators instead of 4.
There should also be 12 algorithms, but there appears to be only about 6. The ADSR on each operator should also have five points instead of four, although they do work well.
One star off my earlier rating until an update comes out that includes the missing features. That being said, its still not a bad app for free.
Sonic Bodhi about DXi FM synthesizer, v3.8.0