Sounds much more like a real Yamaha DX than its rival FM4. And far easier to program than a real one too!
Sounds much more like a real Yamaha DX than its rival FM4. And far easier to program than a real one too!
This is the synth Yamaha should have released first! An awesome fm synth interface! Wow ! I love how it shows you what the operators are doing and how fast or slow they are moving and how the envelopes affect the modulation! Awesome interface ! Bravo! Peace christo
Works Great ..opens in other apps well and sounds great in garageband and other daw apps ..Cool little step sequencer , and tape recorder to capture ideas on the fly . Decent presets to jump off of and create your own Dx type sounds
No complaints about this app sounds cool
Is there a way to load extra sounds voice, like soft leaf brass, touch trumpet and organ???
I primarily am a singer/songwriter/guitarist but have played many other instruments as well (bass, started on drums in 6th grade band and still play, etc.). Keys have always fascinated me but aside from adding crochet piano chords and pads on demos I really didnt get into them. Over the last 5 years I have been reading up, playing more and generally digging the various synths, electric pianos and organs I have been lucky to play. The iPad opened serious doors though because I could now try several different synths, etc. without buying more sound modules, electric pianos, controllers or VSTs. My Novation controller into my interface and boom, I can enjoy tons of different sounds. I have went pretty crazy with the app purchases but with so many cool ones out there (and yes there is lots of crap too) I have a hard time not trying them when they go for a cup of coffee or less. DXi here is a great example of high quality sounds available for pennys on the dollars that theyre worth. DXi has such a streamlined and easy to program interface that getting sounds and experimenting happens very quickly. The sequencer is a great touch as well as the .wav recorder. That recorder is great for skipping Audiobus and making a great loop or tone inside the app, recording it with the DXi recorder, export for more editing and mangling in an editor or DAW and then bring it to the project your working on or begin a new one with the idea as a great jumping off point. I can see whole songs getting their genesis from some experimenting with this app, the vibe and sounds are that good... Although most reviews are positive, I feel DXi is underated or at least a hidden gem. This app belongs in any iPad music makers toolbox regardless of the genre they lean to. Great work by the dev and it shows he cares by the steady updates over the course of a few years.
I honestly hated to write this review. But I hope maybe I can help someone else not to have GREAT expectations? Its not an AWFUL synth, but Im not sure why it really has so much great feedback, and I really tried to like it. I am a musician. Guitar/Bass/Drums/Cello/Violin/Keys Of Course "Keys" are one of the easiest instruments to play and learn how to read music, and iPad has done a great job making some amazing apps... This app just DOESNT have that "WALL OF SOUND" bigness, fatness, it seems thin, the parameters are very limited, there is only ONE PAGE with a few options to open sub set of floating small screens. There isnt really any EFFECT PARAMETERS to speak of. You have some control of the sound envelope (ADSR) attack decay sustain release for the 4 Oscillators, each in its own frame.
This does work with a midi controller, but does not work with a sustain pedal. I had a DX100 years ago with four operators, and had a lot of fun programming it. This is a great start, but the keyboard could use some improvement, like the ability to make the keys bigger, and also a mono mode for the lead presets. Add that, and a midi event editor, and I will give it five stars. As a final note, there should be an option to toggle the slide function on the keyboard as it makes it next to impossible to do ascending glissando rolls. I would also like to point out that this is a limited version that does not include poly/ mono switch, no pitch bend range, no portamento, no speed control for the LFO filter wave forms, which are also incomplete, as there is no sample & hold or sample & hold x8. Although there is a white noise filter. This is not a true DX7 emulation, or it would have 6 operators instead of 4. There should also be 12 algorithms, but there appears to be only about 6. The ADSR on each operator should also have five points instead of four, although they do work well. One star off my earlier rating until an update comes out that includes the missing features. That being said, its still not a bad app for free.